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Undergraduate Academic Progress Statuses: Notice, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension

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Below is a summary of initial and elevated academic progress statuses on which an undergraduate student may be placed if the minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress are not met.

Academic Notice

Academic notice is intended as a cautionary academic advisement for students who do not meet the minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress. You are placed on academic notice when you do not achieve one or more of the following:

  • earn at least nine units in any quarter — sometimes the result of Incompletes
  • earn at least 36 units in your most recent three quarters of enrollment — sometimes the result of Incompletes
  • maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) 

If you are placed on academic notice, you will receive a notification from the office of Academic Advising regarding your academic progress status. A copy of the notification is also sent to your academic adviser or major department.

Your academic notice status is notated on your unofficial transcript but is not noted on your official university transcript.

  • What do I have to do if placed on academic notice?
    • You need to arrange to meet with the professional advisers from the office of Academic Advising (Sweet Hall, First Floor;; 650-723-2426) to discuss your situation and make a plan for how best to move forward. Other resources include:

    • You remain on academic notice for one (1) quarter of enrollment. 

    • In that quarter, you are required to:

      • earn at least 12 units of new coursework by the end of the grade submission deadline; you may not count units for Incompletes
      • earn a minimum 2.0 quarterly GPA while on the status
      • achieve and maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA
    • In addition, an enrollment hold is placed on your record and you are required to meet with your assigned advisor from the office of Academic Advising to review your academic experiences and map out your academic plans. You may schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor online or by calling (650) 723-2426.

    • If you satisfy these conditions, you will successfully complete your academic notice status.

    • If you are unable to meet the minimum progress requirements conditions for academic notice, you may be placed on academic probation or academic suspension.

Academic Probation

A student who does not meet the conditions for academic notice may be placed on academic probation status. You remain on academic probation for two (2) quarters of enrollment. You are placed on academic probation when, while on academic notice, you do not achieve one or more of the following:

  • earn at least 12 units of new coursework while on this status or by the end of the grade submission deadline — Incompletes are not counted
  • earn a minimum 2.0 quarterly GPA while on the status
  • achieve and maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA

If you are placed on academic probation, you receive a notification from the office of Academic Advising regarding your academic progress status. A copy of this notification is also sent to your academic advisor or major department. Your academic probation status is notated on your unofficial transcript but is not noted on your official university transcript.

  • What do I have to do if placed on academic probation?
    • You need to arrange to meet with the professional advisors from the office of Academic Advising (Sweet Hall, First Floor;; 650-723-2426) to discuss your situation and make a plan for how best to move forward. Other resources include:

    • You remain on academic probation for your next two (2) quarters of enrollment. 

    • In each quarter that you have the academic probation status, you are required to:

      • earn at least 12 units of new coursework by the end of the grade submission deadline; you may not count units for Incompletes
      • earn a minimum 2.0 quarterly GPA, while on the status
      • achieve and maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA
    • In addition, during your first quarter of academic probation, an enrollment hold is placed on your record and you are required to meet with your assigned advisor from the office of Academic Advising to review your academic experiences and map out your academic plans. You may schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor online or by calling (650) 723-2426.
    • If you satisfy these conditions during two quarters of consecutive enrollment, you will successfully complete your academic probation status.

    • If you are unable to meet the minimum conditions for academic probation, you may be placed on academic suspension.

Academic Suspension

If you do not meet the minimum conditions outlined for students on academic notice or academic probation, the Academic Progress Review Board may place you on academic suspension. In general, students suspended for the first time are suspended for one year and are not eligible to enroll for four quarters (including Summer Quarter) following the quarter in which the suspension was issued. Students suspended a subsequent time may be suspended for three years and are not eligible to enroll for twelve quarters (including Summer Quarter) following the quarter in which the suspension was issued.

If you are placed on academic suspension, you will receive a notification letter from the office of Academic Advising regarding your academic progress status. A copy of the notification is also sent to your academic adviser or major department.

Your academic suspension status is notated on your unofficial transcript but is not noted on your official university transcript.

Other concerned University departments are notified of your academic suspension. These include the Office of the University Registrar, the Dean of Students office, the Student Housing Office, the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Residential Education, Student Financial Services, and the Financial Aid Office (if applicable).

Academic suspension means that through the end of the one- (1) or three- (3) year suspension period, you are ineligible for the privileges associated with registration—privileges that include living in university housing, among others.

If you are currently assigned to a campus residence, your housing assignment will be canceled.

  • What do I have to do if placed on academic suspension?
    • You should meet with the professional advisers from the office of Academic Advising (Sweet Hall, First Floor;; 650-723-2426) to discuss your situation and make a plan for how best to move forward. While on academic suspension, you may choose to pursue many types of opportunities while away from the university. For example, you can continue your education at another accredited institution. Stanford University allows you to enroll at other accredited institutions while away from the university and to transfer allowable earned credit back to Stanford. You may decide to pursue full- or part-time employment opportunities or volunteer opportunities closer to your home.

    • Whatever opportunities you pursue while away from Stanford, it is the Academic Progress Review Board’s desire that you use the time productively to demonstrate your readiness to return to Stanford at the end of your suspension period.